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Handpump With Solar Submersible Technique

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HandPump with Solar submersible technique uses solar energy to pump water from a bore well during the day and offers an option to store water in an overhead tank for use as and when required. It is an environmentally friendly technology The system is useful to provide piped water supply in remote village where grid power is not available. The Solar powered submersible pump can be installed on a bore well. The pump delivers water directly to an overhead tank for storage and distribution. The submersible pump is operated on electricity generated by the solar array. No batteries required for power storage The stored water can be used as and when required in absence of power from the solar array. No Operational cost and low maintenance cost 


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Amol, Dhiraj, Direct Action Handpump Aser, Force Lift Hand Pump, Hand Pump Ghana Modified, Hand Pumps, Handpump With Solar Submersible Technique, India Mark Ii Hand Pump, Lay Flat Hose Pipe, Mdpe Pipes, P. V. C. Flexible Reinforced Suction Hose, Products, Shallow Well Hand Pump, Special Tool Kit For India Mark Hand Pump, Treadle Pump, Uganda Modified Hand Pump, Up. V. C. Flexible Garden Hose, Up. V. C. Riser Main Drop Pipes, Vlom India Mark